Monday, August 24, 2009

School Begins

August 18th marked the beginning of our school year. It was a very exciting day at the Gray house because for the first time all of the Gray children are in school!

Delaney is a full day kindergartner at Creekmore Elementary. She attended summer school and so it was no big deal. Many parents were tearful but not us we were proud and happy!

Josh is now a 5th grader and moved to a new school, Eagle Glen Intermediate School. He is excited to be a walker and only has two short blocks over the hill to get to school. His classes are in different room like middle school and he has his own locker.

Mayce also moved to a new school, as a 7th grader she now attends Raymore Peculiar Middle School. She rides the bus and isn't very excited about the 6:46 am pickup time. She is participating cross country this fall, which is the first school sport she has been able to go out for. She is doing great and comes home tired and hungry. Her picture is not from the first day of school. I didn't get home from work in time to snap one, her picture is from her 12 year old photo shoot.

A few people have asked me what will you do with all your time now that all of your kids are in school....SLEEP!


Unknown said...

you are so not old enough to have a 12 year old. and heaven help us all when she is a teenager!!!! up can i just say gorg! love her highlights! love the pictures. i am so glad you are blogging. i feel so much more connected!

Becky Gray said...

lots of days i feel old enough...